Monday 12 March 2012

Elephant in the tent

"once upon a time an elephant approached a man in a tent & asked if he could enter the tent.
No, you are too big; said the man.
The elelphant went away & thought for awhile, then returned to the man.
I know you say I am too big for your tent, but it is very cold out here. Could I please just put my trunk in your tent, it wouldn't take up much room; said the elephant.
The man thought for a moment & then agreed.
You are so generous, & this tent has done a wonderful job of warming my tent. Could I please just put one of my cold feet into your tent? The elephant asked.
The man agreed.
This continued, piece by piece of the elephant until all of the elephant was in the tent except his tail.
Elephant ask; My tail is the smallest part of me, it would take much room to just bring it inside too. The man reluctantly agreed & he fell out of the tent into the cold."
I rememeber this story from my childhood & it visits me often. When I met Mr D I remember sharing it with him because life seemed so hectic back then. (He laughed & laughed thinking I was completely nuts, with my crazy stories).
Once again my life feels like I have become that man. I have had reservations about taking on too much, so I tried for small pieces, & the elephant has come back in my tent.
Seven children is a feat in itself. School activities, homework, soccer mom etc, etc. A Master's degree is a massive feat; I thought I would just try to take it day by day, the massive amounts of reading, papers, presentations etc. Church asked if I would consider a calling. Our new/old car that we just brought ended up needing a whole new engine, just 10 days after we brought it. And the list goes on.
On Thursday, I went back to the car dealer's with Mr D & recieved the bad news of the immenant replacement motor, whilst 4 chapters from that days classes sat back at home not being read. Preparing for class that afternoon, it felt like a sharp pain in my chest hit me once again. It was then that I remembered this story. I remembered my Patriachal Blessing; which in short assured me that I can achieve the rightous desires of my heart if I approach them prayerfully & with great faith.
To cut this long story short; I know that I can be a good mom, wife, daughter, Lds woman and still finish my Masters degree; If i approach it prayerfully & don't try to run faster than I have strength for. I have dropped back to part time study; I will still get my Masters- it will just take 3-4 years insted of 2. In doing so I will get to enjoy being a mom to my cherubs.

Just some of the reasons I want to slow down & enjoy life

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