Saturday 18 February 2012

Groundhog Day

Have you ever had a time when life seems to be just like this movie? Each day starts at exactly the same time. The kids get up at the same time. They argue over breakfast (who is having what). They argue scream and fight over the littlest things. Your husband and you barely seem to be doing anything else other than functioning.
That is exactly what it feels like for me right now. Mr D and I are so frustrated over Emily's behavior. Emily can be so sweet one minute and then turn into a little rat the next. This week we have drawn on walls; flooded the school toilets; lost two drink bottles, a lunch box, a hat and an icepack at school; wet the bed (and her room); bit her sister, and the list goes on. Not bad for a 6 year old?? We have taken her to the Drs, the psychologist, the school counsellor and we have been asked to take her to the Pediatrician. Mr D thinks there must be a reason behind her challenging behavior; I think she is just spoilt.
Although I know every child can be challenging; I have never felt so frustrated in trying to get through to one of my children.
The rest of the week hasn't been too bad. I am preparing to start back at University next Wednesday. The others are all settling in back at school ok (finally). Caity even made a friend that she met whilst trying to save an ant from a basketball court (lol). Her new friend is in all her classes and hates Justin Beiber, loves Manga and is a vegetarian just like Caity. (what a sigh of relief).
Now to break from what is feeling like a Groundhog Day??!?? How to break that repetitive cycle of everyday life?

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