Sunday 17 June 2012

Mr D's new job

Mr D has always been a computer geek. Anything technical and he is on it. He worked in the Silicon Valley and he worked with weapons guidence system for the U.S in Iraq (I bagged him out about that one). Recently he decided to take a career change. A pay cut and He decided to "give back". Mr D has accepted a job working as a supervisor with disabled people who are re-making bikes for the community. I was shocked. Throughout the years Mr D has said that as a community worker I am a bleeding heart. I am the type of person who has always brought the strays home, and wondered what cause I could help with next. Once again he is the one that teaches me lessons. He is the one the kids will wake in the middle of the night. He is the one who will take us all on a mystery adventure. He will listen to my crazy ideas; laugh, and then rationally explain why it couldn't possibly work. He is usually the first one up in the morning & often the last in bed a night. He is the athletic one who challenges me when I get lazy. He loves music, that most wouldn't even understand. He is not afraid to cry; like when our dog Raider had to be put down. He will wear a tie to church even when he hates ties. He is usually always on time. He plans things in advance; even to the point of laying out his clothes the night before. His clothing cupboard is perfect; even color co-ordinated. He eats vegetarian food, despite being raised a meat eater. He texts me for no reason. He stands up at the table until I sit down when we go out to eat. He will open a door for me. He moved half way around the world for me. He is full of suprises and I love him. I don't know how his first day will go today, but I know I am in awe of him. Thank-you Mr D for being a great husband, father and friend. And Happy U.S Father's Day

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