Sunday 5 February 2012

Doubting me

How do you know when what you are doing in your life is right; I mean truely right?? Alot is happening in my life right now and I am trying to believe what I am doing is right; I even pray about it but I am left still not believing in myself or what I am doing. Today is the 28th anniversary of my (and my brother Steven and sister Kathy's) baptism. I remember being so happy that day. I remember being so very committed to the Church at that time. I would have given my life for it; not one doubt. As I have mentioned before, I spent several year away from the Church after a series of events in my life. Steven's death that same year, my son's death and the break-up of a disaterous marriage to a RM who I thought I would spend Eternity with. During that time and the time after I had a number of really horrible encounters with other Priesthood leaders that caused my to withdraw completely. Then, last year I decided it was time to try to come back to the only Church that I have ever believed in. Savannah joined the Church soon after this and it felt like we had a special bond. It was like Savannah understood somethings that the rest of the family (non members) could not. Despite trying, and doing some studying I find that I still feel empty. I attend Church regularly, but sort of don't feel I completely fit in. I wish I had that same passionate belief that I once did.
I also find it hard to totally believe in me. I have just finished an Undergraduate Degree (a Bachelor of Social and Community Studies) and I have been offered the chance to study a Masters in Social Work. Why do I not believe that I am worth it?
Yesterday Mr D made some comments on his Facebook page about how proud he is of me. It was sort of like he wanted the world to know that I achieved what I set out to do and he was so very proud of me. I cried as I read his comments. Did I deserve this? Why can't I believe for a moment that I am exactly where God would have me be? And that I am worth it?
I pray, more than anything, that I can believe in me. That I can show my tribe that their mommy is worth something and that they can achieve anything they set their minds to.

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