Sunday 12 February 2012

Monday morning struggle

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. As a teenager I used to day-dream about having a secret admirer that would send me a romantic card for valentine's day. That has never happened.Not much hope of that changing as Mr D is far to "practical" for that. Although it saddens me to admit it; I anticipate that tomorrow will go off without incident.
This morning the tribe stuggled to meet the morning. Savannah and Caity barely made it on time for their bus. Emily's routine never changes; I tell her to do something, I tell her again, and again and then I end up doing it half an hour later. I don't remember ever being like that as a child. I don't mean I was perfect; just, that if I was told to do something I usually did it. Have parents always felt this way???
Today Mr D is going to look at another motorcycle and Becky and I are spending the morning together and baking bread. I love the smell of freshly baked bread in the house. It make it smell like a home. I think I will try to make some yummy lentil soup for dinner to go with this yummy bread.
Mommy stuff, I know. But I do love being a mom, no matter how many struggles there seems to be. Maybe I am thinking along these line because next week I start on my Masters Degree. I am both excited and scared. I want to lean, I love knowledge. Although each time I do I find that my other responsiblities seem to increase. My mommy ones. I read an article the other day which was saying that mom's have even less time to themselves these days than their parents or grandparents. The amount of mom's I see trying to fit in a full time job, full time motherhood and being a wife is amazing. When a husband gets a full time job the family fits around him; but when women work they seem to have to work around their families. I am trying to despirately plan things out. I have routines (they are flexible but I still try to follow them as best I can). Days for washing linen (clothes are done at least twice a day), a meal plan, shopping schedules, cleanings plans. If it is planned out, why does it still feel a huge load???

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